

Today, the school leaders from International School Maximilian signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with The Peace Attitude Schools.
The Memorandum is just a cherry on top of an already very successful collaboration that has been going on for a year.

The subject of this memorandum is the establishment of cooperation between the International School Maximilian and The Peace Attitude Schools in order to closely coordinate, plan and implement activities for smoother implementation of the Programme of Inquiry in both schools.

Some of the provisions that were agreed on were the following:

– Encouragement and implementation of POI;

– Opportunities for students to collaborate to enhance their learning experiences;

– Opportunities for teachers to collaborate and plan the programme of inquiry together;

– Promoting the philosophies of both schools to local community

The schools are enthusiastic to join their efforts in Making the PYP happen in both schools. The common goal the school leaders share is to provide every child with the opportunity to receive quality education.

This is just the first step into Connecting Worlds Through Education!