Blog Maximilian


It is every parent’s concern: What’s the best way for your child to spend his or her free time during summer and school breaks? To some, it’s a time for children to play and have fun. For others, it is time to learn a new skill, a new language or a new hobby and create new friendships.

The benefits of summer camps are numerous, including lessons beyond the classroom and the value of playtime to appreciating nature and building confidence and leadership skills.


  1. Building friendships and social skills
  2. Developing confidence
  3. Physical activities
  4. Field trips in nature
  5. Developing leaderships skills from the earliest age
  6. Continuing education in the summer months
  7. Active play while studying

The program in the summer camp in International School Maximilian is carefully developed by experienced educators to foster the student’s development as well as their academic skills. The program is developed to be rich with exploration, play as well as language lessons. With this type of complexity, students could continue their academic progress as well as prepare for the upcoming school year.

One of the most important components to our summer camp program is the Reading Club. We strongly believe that developing love toward books and reading is one of the most important task in children’s development. By developing love and enthusiasm towards reading, students become more curious, interested in the World around them and more confident.
In our program the students are given the opportunity to read their favourite books as well as editions given by the school appropriate to their age.

Alongside with the learning sessions, the summer camp is rich with outdoor play time, nature walks, hiking and exploring. For a child to develop properly it is very important to spend time in nature and to play with peers.

If you are interested in enrolling your child to our Knowledge Camp feel free to contact us on: 070/344-794 or by email:

Our kind and professional staff will give you relevant information about the program as well as the availability in groups!

Because every child should have the opportunity to receive quality education!