Blog Maximilian, Gallery

“A Bright Smile and a Healthy Life: The Joint Venture of Dr. Nina and a Pharmacist at International School Maximilian”

At International School Maximilian, we continually seek avenues to provide a well-rounded educational experience to our students. Emphasizing the importance of health in a child’s growth and development is one of our key objectives. In line with this, we were honored to host Dr. Nina Miteva , a distinguished local dentist, along with a knowledgeable pharmacist from Ani Farm, on a special health awareness day at our school premises last week.

The day commenced with Dr. Nina Miteva setting up an engaging dental health station in our auditorium, where she enthusiastically shared insights on good oral hygiene practices. Her interactive session debunked common dental myths and exhibited various dental instruments, making the often daunting dental check-up experience less intimidating for our young learners.

Parallelly, the pharmacist from Ani Farm – Biljana Dupjacanec-Bozinovska introduced students to the basic principles of general health and medication safety. He elucidated the role of pharmacists in healthcare and shared vital information on how to use medications safely. His presentation on common seasonal ailments and basic preventive measures was both timely and informative.

The hands-on approach by both professionals sparked keen interest among the students. Dr. Nina Miteva demonstrated the correct techniques of brushing and flossing, while the pharmacist elaborated on the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise, drawing connections between physical health and academic performance.

One of the day’s highlights was the live demonstration by Dr. Nina, showing the effects of different food substances on dental health using disclosing tablets. This visual representation significantly reinforced the importance of a healthy diet for maintaining not just oral health, but overall well-being.

Our younger students were particularly thrilled with the ‘Dental Health’ activity booklets handed out by Dr. Nina, and the ‘Healthy Living’ pamphlets provided by the pharmacist Biljana Dupjacanec-Bozinovska. Both sets of materials were filled with interactive puzzles, coloring pages, and essential health tips. Meanwhile, our older students engaged in a thought-provoking discussion regarding the broader implications of health on daily life, delving into topics such as the correlation between gum disease and cardiovascular health.

The eventful day concluded with a Q&A session, where students had the chance to further satisfy their curiosity. The variety of thoughtful questions asked reflected the extensive understanding and interest our students had developed in both dental and general health.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Nina Miteva and Biljana Dupjacanec-Bozinovska from Ani Farm for dedicating their time and sharing their invaluable expertise with our students. This collaborative effort not only enriched our students’ knowledge but also significantly contributed to our mission of nurturing well-informed, health-conscious individuals. The invaluable lessons learned and the fun experiences shared have surely left a lasting impression on our school community, and we eagerly anticipate hosting more interactive educational sessions in the near future to continue enhancing our students’ holistic learning journey.