Individual program

What is an individualized educational program?
The purpose of International School Maximilian Skopje (IB World School) is to ensure that every student receives quality education according to his/her unique needs. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to have quality education. That is why, in our school we have a special department consisted of professionals who evaluate the needs of every student. If the student is found to have special educational needs, our team develops an individual plan for him/ her.
Individual education planning (IEP) is the process where teachers, support personnel, and parents work together as a team to meet the needs of individual students who require a range of supports. The team develops outcomes or goals based on a student’s current needs and skills, and writes the plan for the school year in the student’s IEP. The written plan is called an IEP.
After developing the individual plan, a team consisted of a neuropsychologist, psychologist, special educator and teachers work on its implementation. The parents are an integral part of the process. They receive monthly reports on the progress and on parent meetings work together with the support team to constantly improve the IEP by setting new and challenging goals.
Purpose of IEP
The purpose of an IEP is to provide a plan to help a student meet individual outcomes or goals beyond their skills. For this reason, an understanding of what a student can and cannot do is essential to the individual education planning process. Each IEP is individual to the student for whom it is designed. As members of the IEP team, the parents together with the staff in Maximilian School should collaborate in the individual planning process and sign the IEP for their child.
Who needs IEP?
The teachers in Maximilian School are encouraged to consider the potential benefits of individual education planning for a wide range of students with very different needs. Most IEPs are written for students who need support for behavioural and learning or cognitive skills. An IEP will be developed when parents and staff together decide that this is the best way to meet a student’s special needs. An IEP must be developed for a student who needs course modifications (M designation) or individualized programming (I designation).
Stages of developing IEP
1. Gathering background information
2. Setting direction and following steps
3. Developing and writing the IEP
4. Implementing and reviewing the IEP on a monthly level
5. Monthly reports on the progress of the child
6. Setting up clear goals related to the child's academic progress
Components of IEP
1. Student identification and background information current levels of performance
2. Evaluation on the student’s abilities and needs
3. Student-specific outcomes or goals
4. Teaching methods, materials, and strategies
5. Plans and timelines for evaluation and review stages
6. Individual sessions on a daily basis

Student centered program
Current Skill Level of the Student
The most important first step of designing the most adequate IEP is determining the current skill level of the student. Every IEP must include a description of the child's current performance and skills in all areas of concern. It should explain how the disability affects his progress in the general education curriculum.
Annual Goals for the Student
The IEP must contain information about a child's goals, which need to be updated at least once a year. Goal statements specify what a student is expected to learn in the coming year, including academic skills and any relevant functional skills. However, these annual goals are a subject to constant change in accordance with the child's needs and progress.
Individual sessions with a special educator and a psychologist
A student who is enrolled in the individualized program, attends daily individual sessions with a psychologist and/or a special educator. These sessions aim to develop the child's motor and/or cognitive skills.
Testing adaptation
The students with special educational needs, may find it very stressful to take the regular school exams. Therefore, the students who are enrolled in the individual program receive exams that are adapted to their level of knowledge and academic possibility. That way, we help them show their highest potential and reach higher grades.